The Nearshoring Model

Embedded Solutions Ltd. (EmSo) was founded in Tula (Russia) in 2013 as a nearshoring partner company of Schleißheimer Soft- und Hardwareentwicklung GmbH. A further location was established in Minsk (Belarus) in 2017. Our team of more than 50 employees works on the automotive software for customers like Volkswagen, Daimler, Porsche and Audi, including the areas embedded software development, software tool-development and software testing.
The aim of foundation of EmSo was to create a competitive advantage through cost reduction and the acquisition of competent software engineers. Our employees in Tula and Minsk work together with their German colleagues in mixed teams in numerous embedded software projects. The management of EmSo, the IT support and the project management are carried out from Germany All development workstations are set up as remote workstations in Germany, that allows flexible access for all – German, Russian and Belarusian employees. This eliminates the need to transport development tools to Russia.